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Isaiah 58 : 12

"Those from among you shall build the old waste places;
You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,
the Restorer of Streets to Dwell in."

The baby boy shown with his mother in this page background, is in honor of his precious life.
Click Here : Baby Isaiah was born weighing just under one pound, " 14 ounces " in 1999... and lives today!!
Life is so very precious!


"Save My Children Ministry"

Save My Children Ministry is a Christian Ministry based and founded on the uncompromised Word of God. SMCM helps mothers in making the right decision of "Life" for their innocent, unborn babies. We strive to find the solutions to both the mothers needs and also the baby's, during their pregnancies and after the birth of their babies; and also in gaining education that will be beneficial for them in their future and the future of their children. SMCM does " NOT " condemn those that have gone through the loss of their babies through the ordeal of abortion......but instead share the love of Jesus Christ.

Our goal is to never condemn those that are in crisis, but instead they can come and receive the Love and Word of God knowing that He is making a way for their personal situation.
SMCM will offer solutions :...........
  1. Support
  2. Love
  3. Connections for Home Schooling
  4. Locations for Birthing Classes
  5. Locations for Parenting Classes
  6. Locations for Pre-Natal Classes
  7. Locations for Infant CPR
  8. Locations for Pre and Post Partum Depression Counceling
  9. Locations for Adoption Counceling
  10. Personal Needs
  11. Connections for Medical Needs
  12. Connections for Certified Mid-Wife
  13. Infant Supplies such as::
  1. Infant Crib
  2. Car Seat
  3. Stroller
  4. Diapers
  5. Bottles
  6. Formula
  7. Clothes, shoes, etc
  8. Much,Much more....

Please pray about helping us
raise this Ministry
for those in desperate crisis.

Help us bring them off the streets
finding safe havens for themselves and their babies.


Thank God that He is a loving Father !
He sent His only Son to be crucified
that we may have the fullness of Salvation
by the precious Blood of Jesus !!

Not only for our sins,
but the sins of the whole world!
This is the pure love of God ,our Father ,
and Jesus, our Lord !
May your healing begin today as you receive
Jesus as your Lord !

This is what
"Save My Children Ministry"
is about.....
the Salvation of All !


Save My Children Ministry
Copyright 2000-2024


My Blood Was Shed for YOU !

My Blood was shed for YOU !

Crisis Pregnancies are of "Emergency Proportions" in this nation.
If you would like to help these precious families,
please send your Love Donation to

Save My Children Ministry
P.O. Box 158
Marienville, PA 16239

Every Love Donation will receive a
Tax Deductable Receipt.

Every love gift helps !

This crisis can be greatly reduced through your generosity.
Helping to restore families is Priceless !


SMCM Co-Founders .......... Other Choices

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